Chinchilla Drive, Hounslow

Chinchilla Drive, Hounslow


Acting as Development Consultant and Project Manager for one of our strategic Housing Association clients, Places for People, The Oakwood Group coordinated the submission of a detailed planning application for the erection of 14 apartments and 4 houses.

As a result of extensive public consultation, the London Borough of Hounslow granted by planning permission at local level within the Statutory timeframe.

The application was designed to meet conditions precedent to Homes and Communities Agency funding and the homes have been designed to meet the Building Research Establishment’s Code for Sustainable Homes Level 4 Rating, together with the exacting requirements of the Mayor’s London Housing Design Guide.

The Oakwood Group entered into a lump sum design and build contract to deliver the construction.

Construction commenced in August 2013 and was completed in September 2014.



  • Completed