
Firsby Avenue, Croydon

The Oakwood Group negotiated the purchase of this residential site, on a subject to planning basis.

The site is situated at the rear of Firsby Avenue with the rear gardens of the houses along Verdayne Avenue and Ridgemount Avenue flanking the site to the west and east respectively.

The proposal is for the erection of 8 new homes in a mix of three and four bed houses.  The houses will be located to the north and south of the site with a central shared surface road giving access to front driveways and gardens.

The proposal will seek to provide new homes while protecting the privacy and character of the surrounding area.  Our aim is to ensure that the development will bring a positive enhancement to a site that is currently undervalued and underused.

A resolution to grant planning permission was secured from the London Borough of Croydon’s Planning Committee on 14 July 2022.

Further details to follow.


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Hallinwood Bungalow, 46 Quail Gardens, Selsdon

The Oakwood Group negotiated the purchase of this residential site, on a subject to planning basis.

The 0.18ha site is situated on the south eastern side of Quail Gardens and currently contains Hallinwood Bungalow, 46 Quail Gardens.

46 Quail Gardens is set within a plot which is larger than the neighbouring properties.   It is a detached chalet style bungalow with gable ends and a front porch.  It is of white render and is partly tile hung on the top sections of the southern side gable.

A footpath runs along the north eastern and south eastern boundaries.  To the north, beyond the footpath, is Sorrel Bank.  Sorrel Bank contains a mixture of terrace dwellings and maisonettes.  All the dwellings at Sorrell Bank are a good distance away from the application site.

To the south east of the site, again beyond the footpath, is Selsdon Wood, which is designated as a Site of Nature Conservation Importance, a Local Nature Reserve of Metropolitan Importance and Metropolitan Green Belt.

The land to the south west, now known as 60-88 Quail Gardens, has recently been developed for 15 x three bedroom terrace houses permitted under planning application 19/00543/FUL.

It is proposed that the scheme will consist of 8 x four bedroom, six person terrace houses.  The design concept is that of a sweeping terrace, that not only steps around in an arc, but also gently steps up with the sites natural gradient so creating a very soft, natural feel.

The form of each of the houses and the elevational treatment proposed directly responds to the existing forms found in the surrounding area with panels of materials maintaining the distinctive rectangular panel theme that permeates through the estate.  The brickwork lower floors are consistent with the surrounding buildings, but the upper floor cladding has been designed to not only be in context, but to respond to the sites location adjacent to the woods by being in natural timber boarding in a vertical orientated diagonal pattern that takes its lead from the natural shapes of the tree canopies beyond.

The proposal will seek to provide new homes while protecting the privacy and character of the surrounding area.  Our aim is to ensure that the development will bring a positive enhancement to a site that is currently undervalued and underused.

An application for full planning permission was submitted in February 2022.  A decision is awaited.


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Rosebank Cottages, Cockshot Hill, Reigate

The Oakwood Group negotiated the purchase of this residential site, on a subject to planning basis.

The 0.25ha Site is located to the east of Cockshot Hill [A217], with Isbells Drive to the north and Hill House Drive to the south.   The former Canon head office complex is situated to the east.

A planning application for the demolition of the existing properties and the erection of ten semi-detached houses has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority.

Further details to follow.


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Bensham Lane, Croydon

The Oakwood Group purchased this site on an unconditional basis.

The Site is triangular in shape and covers an area of approximately 0.1ha.  The existing buildings were formerly occupied by a bathroom retail store and a plumber’s merchants, but both have now vacated the premises.

The existing buildings on the Site have reached the end of their lifespan.  It is considered that a redevelopment of the Site provides the best prospects of securing long-term employment use at the Site alongside new modern residential homes.

Planning permission was submitted in February ’21 for the demolition of the existing buildings and erection of 60 new homes, commercial floorspace (Use Class E, F.1 and F.2), and associated landscaping, access, car, and cycle parking.

A resolution to grant planning permission, subject to the execution of a S.106 legal agreement, was awarded by  the London Borough of Croydon’s Development Control Committee on 9 September ’21.

The intention is to progress with the detailed design at speed and commence work on site as soon as possible. 





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Land South East of Braemar Avenue, Purley

The Oakwood Group has negotiated the purchase of this site, on a subject to planning permission basis.

The Site is occupied by two blocks of dilapidated garages, containing nine bays in an area of hardstanding, and a section of self-seeded scrubland at its southern point.

It is a roughly triangular plot of approximately 0.06ha, positioned between a railway line, running along its eastern border, and residential properties along Braemar Avenue to its north, south and west.

We saw an opportunity to dramatically improve the existing built environment and have worked in conjunction with the local planning authority and key stakeholders to develop a proposal for 8 x one and two bedroom apartments, together with a four bedroom detached house.

The layout of the scheme has been established, to a degree by the Site’s constraints and has been carefully designed so that it delivers a good standard of residential accommodation.  The buildings provide accommodation across three floors.  The top floors are set back as pavilions to reduce the overall height and massing and will ensure the scheme integrates properly within the existing built environment.

The appearance of the building has a contemporary feel.  A red brick with aluminium copings has been chosen to tie the development into the wider area, matched with dark grey windows and metalwork which complement each other.  The set back top floor is a dark grey metal cladding to accentuate the difference in approach.

Private amenity space will be provided to all of the units, by way of private balconies, terraces or gardens.

Six parking bays will be provided, all of which will be accessed from Braemar Avenue.

A planning application was submitted in September 2018 and permission was subsequently received in early December 2018.  Work on site is due to commence Q3 2020.  Further details to follow.

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Quail Gardens, Selsdon

The Oakwood Group have negotiated the purchase of this residential site in Selsdon, on a subject to planning basis.

The site is situated on the south eastern side of Quail Gardens and currently forms part of the garden of Hallinwood Bungalow, 46 Quail Gardens.  It lies adjacent to a Site of Nature Conservation Importance and Metropolitan Green Belt.

An application for full planning permission has recently been submitted to the London Borough of Croydon for 15 x three bedroom houses, arranged in two opposing terraces.

The layout of the terraces would be perpendicular to Quail Gardens.  This takes advantage of the depth of the existing site to allow for adequate separation between the proposed structures and their surroundings.

The proposed houses are relatively traditional in design with pitched slate effect roofs, red brick and with feature brick detailing.  Many local buildings are simple and well-proportioned in their appearance and execution with significant amount of repetition.  These characteristics have been applied to the proposed development.

Soft landscaping will seek to provide variety in height, texture, colour and seasonality with a strong emphasis on attracting insects and birds.

A full planning application was submitted in February 2019 and a resolution to grant permission was secured in June 2019.  

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Baring Road, Grove Park

The Oakwood Group negotiated the purchase of this residential site, on a subject to planning basis.

The 0.23ha Site is located to the rear of 347 to 369 Baring Road, with Wydeville Manor Road to the north, east and south.

Access is provided at 367 Baring Road and leads down to a regular shape parcel of garden land, which is approximately 17m wide and 92m in length.

A planning application for the demolition of the existing property and the erection of eight detached, semi-detached and terrace houses was submitted to the Local Planning Authority in June 2018.

The layout comprises four rows of detached, semi-detached and terrace dwellings. The height of all of the dwellings will be two storey. The semi-detached and terrace dwellings will also incorporate accommodation within the roof space.

We believe that the traditional approach to the design will be visually striking, with interest and definition provided through a simple, but high quality palette of materials and finishes.

Careful consideration has gone into designing internal layouts that maximise light and space in order to provide practical and comfortable family living.

The site layout plan, together with a Computer Generated Image of the proposed semi-detached houses, can be seen here.

A full planning application was submitted in January 2019 and permission was secured in March 2019.  

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Milton Road, Croydon

The Oakwood Group negotiated the purchase of this former industrial site in the London Borough of Croydon on a subject to planning permission basis.

The Site is located between Gloucester and Milton Road in Croydon and comprised a collection of dilapidated warehouses and office accommodation.  The majority of the buildings had been vacant for over fifteen years and consequently were in an extremely poor state of repair.

The Site was the subject of four failed planning application since 2002.  The Local Authority were historically resistant to any development which resulted in the loss of commercial floorspace.

Consultation with the Local Authority and the local community commenced in August 2014 and lasted for a period of fourteen months.

The extensive consultation played a fundamental role in formulating a planning application for 81 residential units and 1900sqm of commercial floorspace, which was formally submitted to the London Borough of Croydon in late October 2015

Planning Permission was then granted, under delegated powers and within the statutory time period, on 28 December 2015.  The application received just two objections.

Works on Site commenced in May 2016 and were completed in 2019.

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Smitham Yard, Leaden Hill, Coulsdon

The Oakwood Group negotiated the purchase of this mixed use scheme opportunity, on a subject to planning basis.

The site is situated to the east of Coulsdon Town railway station and presently houses three single storey garages and workshops.

The proposal is for a collection of new mixed-use commercial and residential buildings, comprising of 67 apartments and 474sqm of commercial floorspace.

We see this project as a continuation of the regeneration which we have started in Coulsdon Town Centre and the location provides a logical gateway for a building of this type in townscape terms.

Our extensive public consultation resulted in us gaining the support of the four local Residents’ Associations, Ward Councillors and the Local MP.

Despite this strong local support, the Local Planning Authority disagreed with our assessment of the Site’s planning designation.  This resulted in us submitting an outline planning application in December 2015 to solely focus on the ‘land use’ aspect.  The Officer’s recommendation to approve was eventually secured and a resolution to grant outline consent was awarded by the planning committee in May 2016.

The Reserved Matters application was submitted in October 2016 and a decision was issued on 30 March 2017.

Work commenced on site in January 2018 and were completed in 2020

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Addiscombe Grove, Croydon

The Oakwood Group negotiated the purchase of this site, on a subject to planning permission basis, amidst strong competition from other residential developers.

The site is located on the eastern side of Addiscombe Grove and is currently occupied by a pair of semi-detached properties which are in use as Office accommodation.

The proposed development will replace the existing low quality commercial space with a purpose built commercial unit (Class B1), in addition to optimising the Site to deliver 74 high quality residential units within the Croydon Opportunity Area and Croydon Metropolitan Centre.

The scheme has been sympathetically designed with 21st Century living firmly in mind and will represent the very best in modern urban architecture.  All of the residential accommodation is well-appointed, with each dwelling benefitting from some form of private amenity.

The use of a simple, high quality brick and glass palette is proposed for the façade in order to unify the building’s composite parts and reflect a wider Croydon vernacular. The depth of the building has also been addressed through the introduction of a folded middle section. Not only does the folded façade break down the horizontality of the elevation, but also serves to emphasise the entrance to the building.

A full planning application was submitted to the London Borough of Croydon on 30 October 2015. The extensive upfront consultation with key local stakeholders prior to the submission of the application, resulted in the Local Planning Authority receiving just a single objection to this major scheme.

A resolution to grant permission was awarded by the planning committee within the thirteen week statutory period on 28 January 2016.

Work on site is expected to commence in Q3 2017.

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