The Oakwood Group purchased this former industrial site off Copers Cope Road, on a subject to planning permission basis.
The previous industrial use of the site was not appropriate in this location and did not sit comfortably with the predominantly residential uses which surrounded it.
We saw an opportunity to dramatically improve the existing built environment and worked in conjunction with the Local Planning Authority and key stakeholders to come up with a proposal for 8 x five bedroom houses, with emphasis on providing high quality accommodation to meet the local need.
The layout comprises four pairs of detached dwellings with assigned car parking. The height of all of the dwellings are two storey with accommodation within the roof space and will ensure the scheme integrates well into the built environment.
The houses are traditional in design with pitched slate roofs, London stock brick, bay windows and with sliding sash windows. Traditional corniced eaves, stone cills, flat gauged arch lintels and chimneys provide a richness and depth of detail. Front doors are recessed with clerestorey lights over. Dormer windows are modest in scale and lead clad. Individual front gardens are hedged and laid to lawn to provide privacy and defensible space on the entrance drive.
The application was submitted in August 2014, but owing to the Council’s failure to make a decision within the statutory timeframe, an appeal was lodged with the Secretary of State in January 2015. The appeal was then allowed in July 2015.