Planning Permission Submitted for Morris House, 2 Bensham Lane, Croydon


An application for full planning permission has now been submitted to the London Borough of Croydon for our site at Morris House, 2 Bensham Lane, Croydon.

The Site is triangular in shape and covers an area of approximately 0.1ha.  It is currently occupied by a single storey bathroom retail store and a heating/plumber’s merchants.

The existing buildings on the Site have reached the end of their lifespan.  It is considered that a redevelopment of the Site provides the best prospects of securing long-term employment use at the Site alongside new modern residential homes.

Planning permission is being sought for the demolition of the existing buildings and erection of 60 new homes, commercial floorspace (Use Class E, F.1 and F.2), and associated landscaping, access, car, and cycle parking.

We hope to have a decision from the London Borough of Croydon in May 2021.