
Morris House, Bensham Lane, Croydon Update

Work is well underway at our Morris House site in Croydon.  The demolition of the former warehouse has been completed and the site is now being prepared for the reduced level dig.

The development involves the erection of an eleven storey building to provide 60 homes and flexible commercial floorspace at ground floor level.  All of the residential units are being delivered in conjunction with PA Housing.  Further details of the development can be found here.

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Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

We are deeply saddened by the recent passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. During this period of mourning, our thoughts and condolences are with the Royal Family.

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Planning Granted for the land to the rear of Firsby Avenue, Shirley

A resolution to grant planning permission for our site off of Firsby Avenue, Shirley was awarded last night by the London Borough of Croydon’s Development Control Committee.

The scheme will see the erection of 8 x three and four bedroom semi-detached houses, together with associated landscaping.

A selection of the drawing work has been included below.

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in the project to date.  We look forward to commencing work on site as soon as possible.

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House buyers prioritise energy efficiency when looking for a new home

A growing number of property buyers are now prioritising energy efficient features when looking for a new home, as the energy crisis concerns grow.  According to the research undertaken by the Home Builders Federation (HBF),  house hunters have become increasingly interested in sustainability, leading them to look for energy-efficient homes that offer green features.

The study has revealed the extent to which energy efficiency is now guiding the way we are now making home-moving decisions.  Around three in four respondents – 73% – to the HBF’s recent survey stated that they are worried about the energy performance of their current home, with almost a quarter – 24% – saying energy efficiency will be ‘crucial’ to their next home move.  Being ‘eco-friendly’ and ‘having a good EPC rating’ are now the second and third most desirable features in a new home, behind outdoor space, the study found.

We are committed to making our homes and developments more sustainable and lessen our impact on the environment.  We know that people want to live more sustainably and to reduce their carbon footprint.  With rising energy bills, we want to make it as easy as possible for our customers to do just that.

There is of course more we can do and we will continually strive to build the best sustainable homes possible.


The rise of Britain's sustainable homes: Building eco-friendly on a budget

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Planning submitted for Firsby Avenue, Shirley, Croydon

An application for full planning permission has now been submitted to the London Borough of Croydon for our site off of Firsby Avenue, Shirley, Croydon.

The site measures 0.24ha and is situated behind the rear gardens of houses of Verdayne Avenue, Firsby Avenue and Ridgemount Avenue flanking the site to the west, north and east respectively.

The site was historically in use as tennis courts, but  is now vacant with the remains of a bungalow which was formerly under construction.

Planning permission is being sought for the erection of 9no. three and four bedroom houses with a shared access from Firsby Avenue.  A selection of the plans have been included below.

We hope to have a decision from the London Borough of Croydon in March 2022.


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Public Consultation for the land to the rear of Firsby Avenue, Shirley

A further public consultation event is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 2nd November 2021, in order to present our developed proposals for the land to the rear of Firsby Avenue, Shirley.

The event is open to everyone and will be held between 4.30pm – 7pm at the Shirley Community Centre, 28 Shrublands Ave, Croydon, CR0 8JAl,

The proposal is for the erection of 9 three and four bedroom semi-detached and terrace houses, together with associated landscaping and vehicular access from Firsby Avenue.

We look forward to seeing you there.

If you are unable to make the event and would like to discuss the matter further, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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Planning Granted for Morris House

A resolution to grant planning permission for our site at Morris House, Bensham Lane was awarded last night by the London Borough of Croydon’s Development Control Committee.

The scheme will see the demolition of the existing warehouse and the erection of an eleven storey building to provide 60 homes and flexible commercial floorspace at ground floor level.

Further details can be found by clicking here.   A selection of the drawing work has also been included below.

We would like to thank everyone that has been involved in the project to date and we look forward to commencing work on site as soon as possible.

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Public Consultation for the land off of Firsby Avenue, Shirley

A public consultation event is scheduled to be held next Tuesday (31st August) at The Masons Pre-School, in order to present our initial development proposals for the land off of Frisby Avenue, Shirley

The proposal is for the creation of an access road to serve a small, but carefully designed residential development of 9 x three and four bedroom houses.

We are determined to develop a scheme which everyone can be proud of and your input is fundamental to achieving this goal.

Copies of the display boards showing our initial proposals for the site can be viewed by clicking here.

This event is open to anyone and we look forward to seeing you there if you are able to attend.  If you are unable to make the consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us, as we would welcome the opportunity to discuss the project directly with you.

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